Running Slinky Oracle for Initia

Slinky An enshrined restaked oracle built for the highest performance DeFi. Used by major chains and perpetuals protocols to guarantee per-block prices with millisecond refresh rates.

· guide incentive initia

In this article/blog we will explain and give a tutorial to set up a oracle in initia testnet.

We will not discuss the definition of initiative and network architecture in this article.


Slinky oracle - the first restaked oracle aggregator, built for perps markets & DeFi that need maximal performance & minimal trust. Powered by Skip

The Slinky Oracle consists of two main elements:

  1. An on-chain component that retrieves price data from the sidecar with each block, forwards these prices to the blockchain through vote extensions, and compiles prices from all validators involved.

  2. A sidecar process dedicated to polling price information from various providers and delivering this data to the on-chain component.

For additional information on the oracle, refer to the Slinky repository at

So how to get it up and running and connected to your validator?

Guide Running Slinky Oracle


  • Validator active set
  • Golang + 1.22

if you have not installed Golang

  • Install golang
wget "$VER.linux-amd64.tar.gz"
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go
sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf "go$VER.linux-amd64.tar.gz"
rm "go$VER.linux-amd64.tar.gz"

echo -e "\n# go\nexport PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$HOME/go/bin" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Get slinky

As of writing this we are using tag version v0.4.3 on the initia testnet

  • Clone & compile
git clone
cd slinky
git checkout v0.4.3
make install
  • Check if installed
slinky --help


  • Create ~/.oracle
mkdir -p ~/.oracle
  • Download oracle.json
wget -O ~/.oracle/oracle.json ""
  • Check the url marketmap_api in ~/.oracle/oracle.json and make sure it is the same as grpc address in your ~/.initia/config/app.toml . Our grpc address is
      "name": "marketmap_api",
      "api": {
        "enabled": true,
        "timeout": 20000000000,
        "interval": 10000000000,
        "reconnectTimeout": 2000000000,
        "maxQueries": 1,
        "atomic": true,
        "url": "", // point to your grpc address
        "endpoints": null,
        "batchSize": 0,
        "name": "marketmap_api"
      "type": "market_map_provider"

Start slinky

  • set service
sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/slinky.service > /dev/null <<EOF
Description=oracle slinky

ExecStart=$(which slinky) --oracle-config-path $HOME/.oracle/oracle.json

  • enable service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable slinky
  • start service
sudo systemctl start slinky
journalctl -fu slinky -o cat

you’ll see a log like this oracle-initia-guide-1

Enable Oracle Vote Extension

In order to utilize the Slinky oracle data in the Initia node, the Oracle setting should be enabled in the ~/.initia/config/app.toml.

  • Open and edit app.toml
###                                  Oracle                                 ###
# Enabled indicates whether the oracle is enabled.
enabled = "true"

# Oracle Address is the URL of the out of process oracle sidecar. This is used to
# connect to the oracle sidecar when the application boots up. Note that the address
# can be modified at any point, but will only take effect after the application is
# restarted. This can be the address of an oracle container running on the same
# machine or a remote machine.
oracle_address = ""

# Client Timeout is the time that the client is willing to wait for responses from 
# the oracle before timing out.
client_timeout = "300ms"

# MetricsEnabled determines whether oracle metrics are enabled. Specifically
# this enables instrumentation of the oracle client and the interaction between
# the oracle and the app.
metrics_enabled = "false"

make sure you save the changes

  • and then restart your node initia.


For check the current aggregated prices

curl localhost:8080/slinky/oracle/v1/prices | jq


  • Remove and clean slinky
sudo systemctl stop slinky
sudo systemctl disable slinky
sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/slinky.service
rm $(which slinky)
rm -r .oracle
rm -r slinky


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